

类    型:课程顾问

职    称:副
教    龄:5年
星    座:射手座

Hey guys. It's a pleasure for me to introduce myself. My name is Kevin He, and I am a exbert CC of meten.  I studied  plastic surgery as an undergrad degree in Taiwan, and in 2009, I received my Master Degree from the University of California at Los Angeles , School of Medicine. Don's ask me why I did't become a Doctor because I eventually grew tired of people ask me like this everyday and it's a really long story. I do like my job I have now.I helped hundreds of students get into top 50 Universitys of the world, and I am so proud of it. I have tons of hobbies like Soccer,PC games,Movies,decent TV series,novels,history,DIY Tour,and so on.I can't wait to see more elite to join our big family of meten. Come on, young people!

Hi,我叫Kevin 何一工,作为级课程顾问我是目前顾问团队中较经验丰富的一名之一。同学们都说我才华横溢却低调谦虚,其实我是个外冷里热的爱国人士。很多人会问我如此简单的名字的由来,那是我父亲取老子“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”和“天地为炉兮造化为工”中的一和工为名;第二种解释是我妈妈姓王,将之拆开……我非常愿意和学生交流无论是英语或国学、旅游还是读书、电影或是趣闻,我涉猎广泛也乐意与人分享。美联英语是我人生较长的一份工作,我深深乐在其中,因为我不断有机会跟来自五湖四海的人用中文和英文谈天说地、针砭时弊、品味生活。多年的语言教育工作让我有个深刻的体会:外语造诣深无不是可用之才。看看你的身边,凡善用英语的人,是不是都出类拔萃呢?如果你的英语处于羞于开口的阶段,请移尊来美联;如果你的英语已经运用自如,要知学无止境,请来美联精益求精、更进一步。希望有与能你邂逅美联英语的南山中心。

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