
来源:天津青竹学院时间:2022/7/22 15:45:55


  Paragraph 5:When oceanic islands are far enough apart to permit populations to evolve in isolation,but close enough to allow occasional dispersions to occur,they are effectively outdoor laboratories of evolution.The Galapagos island chain is one of the world’s greatest showcases of evolution.Each island was born from underwater volcanoes and was gradually covered by organisms derived from strays that rode the ocean currents and winds from other islands and continents.
  题目:Paragraph 5 supports the idea that Galapagos island chain was able to become“one of world’s greatest showcases of evolution”primarily because of”
  A.the richness of the volcanic soil of each of the islands in the chain
  B.the distance of the individual islands from each other and from the mainland
  C.the relativity long time it took for the islands to become covered by organisms
  D.the outdoor laboratories that scientists have built on the islands to study evolution
  题目解析:题目里出现里大写字母的专有名词,题目问的是段落“Galapagos Island”chain成为了*上*大的进化陈列窗的一个的原因是什么。那么定位到文章红色部分那句话。但是并没有原因出现。整个段落一共只有三句话,那么很显然。这个段落的结构是*句话讲的是原因,也就是说当海洋的岛屿要足够远允许数量在隔离的情况下进化但是又要足够近,允许偶尔分散的发生。接下来Galapagos island只是在举例子而已。正确答案应该是B。跟距离相关的。(在这个题目里出现引号,如果题目里出现引号说明一定是原文的原句)
  Paragraph 3:Second,this internationalism spelled the end of the classical Greek city-state—the unit of government in ancient Greece—and everything it stood for.Most city-states had been quite small in terms of citizenry,and this was considered to be a good thing.The focus of life was the agora,the open marketplace where assemblies could be held and where issues of the day,as well as more fundamental topics such as the purpose of government or the relationship between law and freedom,could be discussed and decisions made by individuals in person.The philosopher Plato(428-348 B.C.)felt that the ideal city-state should have about 5,000 citizens,because to the Greeks it was important that everyone in the community should know each other.In decision-making,the whole body of citizens together would have the necessary knowledge in order generally to reach the right decision,even though the individual might not be particularly qualified to decide.The philosopher Aristotle(384-322 B.C.),who lived at a time when the city-state system was declining,believed that a political entity of 100,000 simply would not be able to govern itself.


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